Profile of a woman in purple

The scientific body of knowledge - whose body does it serve?

Why does Alzheimer’s Disease afflict far more women than men? Why do some women report problems with memory and concentration during…

Illustration of BBC title on uterus

BBC Podcast on the Cycle

"What do you really know about the menstrual cycle? India Rakusen explores the whole bloody story, discovering facts that…

Emily on Netflix

Science News Names Top 10 Scientists to Watch

"Our SN 10: Scientists to Watch list is a brief study in inspiration. For the seventh year, Science News is featuring 10 early…

Illustration of brain with labelled sections

Women First

Much of Emily Jacobs’ research focuses on how sex hormones — estrogen, progesterone, testosterone — affect the brain. Where are they…

Elle at MRI console

Elle Murata gives public lecture on PCOS

In her TEDx talk, Elle shares her dual experience as a woman in science and a woman underserved by the biomedical sciences…

Perspective piece in Nature Neuroscience

Perspective on women's health research

The neuroscience of hormonal contraceptives is a vital but relatively new field. Existing studies are limited in size and scope, but…

Various types of birth control pills on a table

The Pill

The Netflix limited series "The Principles of Pleasure" tackles gender disparities in health and well-being. Jacobs…

Women's health interrupted

Caitlin Taylor Talks 'The Pill' and Brain Health

In this week’s episode, we sit down with Dr. Emily Jacobs and Dr. Caitlin Taylor to discuss how oral contraceptives (OC)…

Cartoon graphic of hormone changes across cycle

Adele Myers gives public lecture on application of AI to women's brain health

Fifty percent of the world's population experiences menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause and >80% of females aged 18-64 have…

Dallas BrainHealth Presents discussion

The New Science of Women’s Brain Health

Neuroscience research has largely overlooked aspects of the human condition specific to women - including the…

Nina giving lecture

Nina Miolane named Hellman Fellow

Nina Miolane was named a 2023 Hellman Fellow. The Hellman Fellows Fund, founded by Chris and Warren Hellman in 1994, provides…

Nature article on women's health research

Women's Health Research Lacks Funding

Women have been historically under-represented in other parts of the medical research pipeline, such as clinical trials. …


Jacobs discusses breakthroughs in women’s health at NIH Summit

Dr. Jacobs highlights recent advancements in women's brain health via precision neuroimaging and shares recent U.S. initiatives that…